
An optimistic badger looks out over the mountains

November 2023 Product Updates

Global Actions, Celery integration and more.

The last few months have been a real whirlwind while I've been getting Task Badger ready for a wider release. I've made a lot of improvements to the product that I'm really excited about.
Dynamic tables

Django Tables and htmx - a match well-made

Using django-tables2 with htmx for truly dynamic tables

Tables are one of the central constructs of HTML and virtually every system will have some tables, often many. But creating tables, while straightforward, can be burdensome, particularly when adding more advanced features. Find out how to make it better!
Badger in flowers

Badger on the Console

The Task Badger CLI

The Task Badger CLI is the most simplest way to interact with Task Badger. It is a command line interface that can be used to create and update tasks. It can also be used to wrap existing scripts and programs to record their status in Task Badger.
Badger on the beach

cURL the Badger

Using Task Badger with nothing more than your wits and cURL

Task Badger can be used in many environments but the shell is one of the most basic. In some way this makes it the simplest, most uncomplicated environment, but it also requires more manual steps and attention to detail.
Origin Story

The Beginning

Task Badger's origin story.

I first had the idea for Task Badger while I was performing a large data migration.